Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Brother Juan. Elder Brother’s visit. Visita de nuestro Hermano mayor

Brother Juan Castro, our District Superior, has come to visit us in Sreemongol. We have taken him to visit Teliapara, one of the tribal villages (punji) and our piece of land in Gyasnogor where our school and project will be located. He has seen firsthand the people we are working for, talked with them, entered their houses, eaten their food, and prayed with them. He has brought with him support, friendship, brotherhood, and all kinds of blessings. Thank you, Juan, for being an “elder” Brother to us. God bless you and the people and children whose poverty you have touched during these days.
El Hermano Juan Castro, nuestro Superior de Distrito, ha venido a visitarnos a Srimongol. Le hemos llevado a Teliapara, uno de los poblados tribales (punji) y a nuestra parcela en Gyasnogor donde se emplaza nuestro proyecto y nuestra futura escuela. Ha visto con sus propios ojos a la gente para la que trabajamos, ha hablado con ellos, entrado en sus casas, comido su comida y rezado con ellos. Nos ha traído en su maleta apoyo, amistad, fraternidad y toda clase de bendiciones. Gracias, Juan, por ser nuestro hermano “mayor”. Que Dios te bendiga a ti y a los niños cuya pobreza has podido tocar con tus propias manos durante estos breves días.

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